Anyone can join the dream team.

There is room for everyone. Our vision is to build a church where Jesus is glorified and lives are transformed, and our dream team helps makes that happen.

Every one of us is created unique. We are wired differently – with different passions, personalities, abilities and gifts. God has made us that way. He made us that way for a purpose because He wants each one of us to be effective servants for Him and His church.

There is a team that is a fit for every person's personality, giftings and passions. If you want help finding out what your gifts are, or what the teams are that match them, check out Growth Track Sessions 3 & 4 that are designed to help with exactly that.

There is great value in you coming to church as well as serving in church, which is why we recommend serving in one service and sitting in another.

Whatever team you sign up for - we will make sure you will be trained and shown the ropes. Just keep in mind that some teams you can start training straight away, while others have some conditions you will need to fulfil in order to serve (eg. our kids team requires Blue Cards and Child Protection Training before you can go on roster).

Interested in what teams we have?


Sign up for a team here