We run a vibrant & energetic Youth program every Friday from 7pm to 9pm onsite at our C3 Powerhouse Sunshine Coast location. We worship, have fun together & hear an inspiring message.
Due to current government regulations, Youth are required to pre-register for C3 Powerhouse Youth on Friday nights. To do this head over to https://linktr.ee/c3phyouth and follow the prompts.
Every Friday
Onsite at Church
Make sure you jump on our Instagram page @c3powerhouseyouth for all of the latest and greatest on what’s coming up! Or contact Nick Hickman (nicholash@ourc3.com) or Alexandra Fitch (alexf@ourc3.com) should you need any more information.
Junior High
Junior High is for grade 6 to 8 students. We run weekly Friday night programs during school terms, and Junior High also runs during Sunday services. We sit in the service together for praise and worship and head out to our own special program after that.
Senior High
Senior High is for grade 9 to 12 students. We run every Friday night during school terms and have lots of fun events to come and invite your friends to!